The EG2012 calendar is available in via Google. If you use Google Calendar, you can click the button to the left to add the EG2012 calendar to your calendar list. Otherwise, just try the feed.

Social Program

Welcome Reception and Poster Party

The welcome reception and poster party will be on Tuesday, 7:00PM (Foyer, first floor). Light refreshments will be served. Poster presenters will be available for discussion in front of their posters.

Exhibition Reception

The exhibition reception will be on Wednesday, 5.20PM (Main Hall, ground floor). Light refreshments will be served. Exhibitors will be available at their booths for special demonstrations.

Social Dinner

The conference dinner will be on Thursday evening. 8:30PM. A traditional Sardinian menu will be served.


Convento di San Giuseppe, Via Paracelso, 09100, Cagliari.
Phone: +39 070 503343 Cell: +39 348 3212543

EG2012 Bus transport timetable

Coaches will connect the convention center to the dinner location, with two stops downtown. Don't be late!

Convention center - Convento

7:40 PM Convention Center (Main entrance – Piazzale Marco Polo)
7:55 PM Piazza Matteotti (Front of ARST bus station)
8:10 PM Piazza Giovanni (Front of T-Hotel)
8:20 PM Convento di San Giuseppe

Convento - Convention center

11:00 PM Convento di San Giuseppe
11:10 PM Piazza Giovanni (Front of T-Hotel)
11:25 PM Piazza Matteotti (Front of ARST bus station)
11:40 PM Convention Center (Main entrance – Piazzale Marco Polo)

Public transportation

The dinner location is also reachable by public transportation.

By light rail: main station is Piazza Repubblica. Trains leave every 10'. Stop at “Via Vesalio”, then walk to Convento di San Giuseppe rear entrance (Via Vesalio 1)

By bus: bus “1” from Piazza Matteotti to Via Vesalio 1 (10' bus frequency).

Taxi cabs

A trip with a taxi cab from downtown to the dinner location costs ~6EUR

Taxi Quattro Mori - Phone +39 070 400101
Taxi Rossoblù - Phone +39 070 6655
Taxi Amico- Phone +39 070 826060